Collects for the sick, anxious, etc.
Prayers For Anxiety, Illness, Surgery, And Stress
Almighty God, with whom all things are possible, hear our prayer as we come to You in trouble and distress. You are our hiding place. You are our very present help in trouble. We have no other refuge in an hour like this. Gracious Lord, You can heal. Your grace can restore to health and give us strength to carry on. We know that You are compassionate, for You have sent Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ, to suffer the death of the cross in order to redeem us and make us Your own. As You did not forsake Him, surely You will not abandon us in this time of great need. As You raised Him from the dead on the third day, so we ask that You would also raise us up with Him from this present danger. O Lord, we humble ourselves before You and confess our many sins. We pray, merciful Father, for Your grace hour by hour. Forgive us and restore us, for You have made us Your own children in Christ. Remove the worries and anxious fears that would crush us. Give us grace to trust in You, whose will is wiser than our own, for we have been baptized into the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ Jesus, our Lord. Amen. (LBP)
Heavenly Father, in this hour of anxiety I pray for your divine presence and aid. As the time of the operation draws near, I need a staff on which to lean. To whom shall I turn but to You, gracious Lord? You have created, redeemed, and sanctified me. I am Your beloved child in Christ. You will not forsake me as I cry to You for strength in my trouble and pain. I confess to You my unworthiness, my many weaknesses, an my transgressions. You mercifully forgive me for the sake of the sacrifice of Your dear Son, my precious Savior. Give wisdom and skill to the doctors and nurses, that all they do will bring about a speedy recovery in keeping with Your good, fatherly will. I commend myself into Your hands. While I slumber and sleep, watch over me. Take every fear out of my heart. Comfort me with the assurance of my salvation through the blood of Your Son, Jesus Christ, and grant me a faith that clings only to Him, who is the great and eternal cure for all sin, sickness, and death. Your name I praise, O Lord of life and death. Hear my prayer for the sake of Your dear Son. Amen. (LBP)
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and all that is in me, bless His holy name. O merciful Father in heaven, you have fulfilled Your promises to me and have been with me in my hour of anxiety and pain. When I was weak and helpless, You were my strength. I called upon You in the day of trouble, and You delivered me. Now I glorify You. You gave to the surgeon and medical team skilled hands that have brought me through this operation. You did not count my sins against me, but have graciously forgiven them for Christ’s sake. O precious Father, continue Your mercies and, if it be Your will, grant me a full and speedy recovery. Bless me with a restful day and refreshing sleep this night. As You watch over me in these coming days of recovery, grant me patience, and let my thoughts dwell on Your goodness. You are my Shepherd, I shall not want. O gracious Father, I cast all my cares upon You, for You care for me. Hear my prayer for the sake of Jesus Christ. Amen. (LBP)
Heavenly Father, You are indeed my Lord and God, who has created me when I was but nothing. In addition, You have saved me through Your Son. Now You have appointed me to this official responsibility and set this work before me. It does not proceed according to my will, and it is so great that it would otherwise weigh heavily on me and cause me great fear, that I of my own ability could find neither counsel nor help. Therefore, let everything be commended unto You, give me counsel and help, and remain faithful in everything, as You have promised. Amen. (LBP)
LBP – Lutheran Book of Prayer, quoted from