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Servants of LCC congregations, missions and pastors of our Ottawa Circuit for Christ’s sake

The RMMC is the Regional Ministry and Mission Council, allowing congregations, pastors and workers from Windsor to Timmins and from Sudbury to St John’s to care for one another and to work together in faith, hope and love under the Word of God.

What’s unique about LCC’s East Region?

The East Region is often not as spread out as other parts of Synod. While there are not great distances that separate most of us–with the exception of the 3,000 km wide Ottawa Circuit, including our isolated congregations in Northern Ontario, francophone Quebec, and Atlantic Canada–there are many differences in the communities of our congregations. We have congregations in densely populated urban settings, in small towns and in rural areas across our six eastern provinces. Each of these have their own strengths, opportunities, and challenges. We have a history of working together in support of the unique needs of congregations in each of these areas. There is a strong emphasis on Word and Sacrament as the means which our Lord has promised to create, strengthen, and nourish saving faith. We seek to support congregations and Pastors as they use these means in service. The Lord has also developed a spirit of seeking out opportunities for outreach and new ministries among us. The Lord has blessed this Region with very skilled and dedicated Pastors and lay leaders over the years. Many of these are still in positions of service and leadership. Those who are not, readily make themselves available to consult when asked. – Rev. Marvin Bublitz, LCC East Regional Pastor  (source)

Servants of LCC congregations, missions and pastors across the East Region for Christ’s sake
  • East Regional Pastor and Chair of the East RMMC – Rev. Marvin Bublitz
  • East RMMC Standing Committees (as of 2023):
    • Missions Committee – To work with congregations on mission and evangelism opportunities, work with LCC Mission Exec to identify possible new work in the East Region and explore possible workshops
    • Finance Committee – (Combine Assistance Review & Budgeting): To work with assistance requests, plan budget needs of other sub-committees and RMMC
    • Congregational Services – To consider the work of the former District Department for Parish Services and explore what the RMMC might do to assist congregations in these areas.
    • Communication – To coordinate with the LCC communications and explore how the other RMMC’s communicate with the intent to copy what is beneficial
    • Congregational Cooperation – To encourage congregations to work together in areas where one congregation can assist the other in efforts to maximize resources.
Servants of LCC congregations, missions and pastors across Canada and beyond for Christ’s sake
    • LCC synodical office staff
      • LCC Communications Director – Alex Steinke
      • LCC Director of Advancement – David Friesen
      • LCC International/Domestic Mission Director – Rev. M.L. Smith
      • LCC Business Administrator – Dwayne Cleave
      • LCC Synodical President – Rev. Timothy Teuscher
    • LCC Board of Directors
      • LCC President’s Ministry Council PMC – the SP and the three RPs
      • LCC Boards and Standing Committees
Seminaries of LCC

Auxiliaries and Listed Service Organisations (LSOs) of LCC

Including these:

The Luther Rose - Grace Alone, Faith Alone, Word Alone - Christ Alone!

Partners & Resources